Building Materials, Products and Services

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Experts in the MANUFACTURING of materials PREFABRICATED for Construction * Prestressed Beam * Open Soul * Vaults * Polystyrene plates...
HIGH TECH PIPES, PUMPS, VALVES   If you want to send someone down a pipe, don't send them!!!   Tubvaltec...

Viprecon Bloquera Mexicana

Adocrets, Adopasts, Blocks, Pipes, Partition

-Adocrets -Adopasts -Cobble -Blocks -Tabicón - Partitions -Vibro tablets

Vanguardia Materiales

Construction Materials Marketer

Construction Materials Marketer. Excellent service and competitive prices. Delivery to your work in Mexico City, metropolitan area and foreign deliveries...
We provide adequate solutions for the satisfactory conclusion of your construction projects Sale of Products and Materials for Construction of...

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