Building Materials, Products and Services

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Estimate the construction cost of your project. * Cost engineering * Catalog of concepts * Quantifications and volumetrics * Budget...

Presupuestos y Programas de Obra en Carreteras

Analysis of unitary prices

Analysis of unitary prices.   Budgets and Work Programs for Highways, Bridges, Drains, Hydraulics, Buildings. I make the economic proposal....

Ingenieria de Costos y Servicios Administrativos

Unit Price Analysis, Cost Integration

Unit Price Analysis, Cost Integration, Work Quantifications, Concept Catalogs, Work Competitions, Work Budgets, Project Scheduling, Opus-Project

Concursos de Obra - Ing. Aguirre

Public and Private Work Competitions

Public and Private Work Competitions Attention 24 hours a day. Budgets, PU'S, Quantification of Works, Generating Numbers, Supervision, Works Administration....
COMPETITIONS, budgets for public works and private works for all types of projects or buildings.   Quantifications or we generate...

Grupo Integral PCC

Waterproofing Cold Systems

- WATERPROOFING cold systems - SBS prefabricated membrane - General masonry - Floors - Paintings - Finishes - Work Adjustments...

Ingeníeria de Costos - Ingecos

Tenders for Public and Private Works, Contests

Cost engineering Public and Private Works Tenders Financed and Budgeted All dependencies and Entities 1. Cost Adjustments, Audits and Supervision...

IDEA - Ingeniería y Desarrollo de Espacios Arquitectónicos

Competitions, Work Control, Estimates

We prepare your CONTESTS for Public and Private Works. * All dependencies * Quantification of work * Work control *...


Cost and Construction

* Public and Private Work Competitions * Electronic Tenders * Base Budget * Volumetry of Work * Extraordinary Prices *...
Cost engineering We offer services of: * Assembly of public and private tenders * Assembly of cost projects from plans...

Concursos de Obra - Ing. Gerardo Mar

Contests, Catalogs of Concepts, Climbing

They are elaborated Construction Contests * Concept Catalogs * Escalations * PU Additional features. Experience and Professionalism Call us, we...

Sac Consultoría en Costos

Construction Administration

We offer you the best service in: * Proyect Management * Cost pre-construction studies * Cost estimate studies * Cost...
Preparation - Training - Consulting - Advice Construction Contests * Preparation of Tenders * Opus / Neodata Counseling and Courses...
Construction costs * Quantification of work * Preparation of catalogs of concepts * Analysis of unitary prices * Generator numbers...
Budgets and tenders for public and private works, preparation of catalogs of concepts and analysis of unit prices, quantifications and...

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