Building Materials, Products and Services

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Estimate the construction cost of your project. * Cost engineering * Catalog of concepts * Quantifications and volumetrics * Budget...

Ingeníeria de Costos - Ingecos

Tenders for Public and Private Works, Contests

Cost engineering Public and Private Works Tenders Financed and Budgeted All dependencies and Entities 1. Cost Adjustments, Audits and Supervision...

IDEA - Ingeniería y Desarrollo de Espacios Arquitectónicos

Competitions, Work Control, Estimates

We prepare your CONTESTS for Public and Private Works. * All dependencies * Quantification of work * Work control *...


Cost and Construction

* Public and Private Work Competitions * Electronic Tenders * Base Budget * Volumetry of Work * Extraordinary Prices *...
Cost engineering We offer services of: * Assembly of public and private tenders * Assembly of cost projects from plans...

Sac Consultoría en Costos

Construction Administration

We offer you the best service in: * Proyect Management * Cost pre-construction studies * Cost estimate studies * Cost...
Preparation - Training - Consulting - Advice Construction Contests * Preparation of Tenders * Opus / Neodata Counseling and Courses...

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