Building Materials, Products and Services

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Terramec Ingeniería de Cimentaciones

Foundations, Soil Mechanics and Civil Works

Foundation Engineering * Batteries * Piles * Sheet piles * Vibro-driving * Milan Wall * Inclusions * Micropiles * Soil...
Deep Foundation Specialists * Batteries * Piles * Metal and Concrete Cofferdams * Pumping Wells * Milan Wall * Gravel...

Grupo Mako

Real Estate Fair

Construction, sale and rental of industrial and commercial warehouses and warehouses. We carry out detailed construction projects such as: *...

Especialistas en Cimentación Profunda - Pimosa

Deep-foundations, Industrial Projects and Infrastructure

Specialists in Deep Foundations and Construction of Industrial and Infrastructure Projects * Piles, Piles, Metal and Concrete Cofferdams. * Pumping...

Perfoterra Cimentaciones

Construcciones, Ingeniería, Obras Civiles

CONSTRUCTION > RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL * Preliminary / foundation. * Stabilization and lowering of water table. * Topography and aerial...
Engineering, geotechnics, structures.Foundations, piers and piles, lowering of the water table, Berlin wall, Milan wall and piling board.Specialized construction, shotcrete,...
Structural design Steel and Concrete Structures * Industrial ships * Commercial premises * Residential Structural Opinions Structural Consulting Hydraulic and...
Soil Mechanics Structural Design Material Quality Control Lowering of the Water Table Pile and Pile Construction Anchors and Shotcrete Injections...

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