Building Materials, Products and Services

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Terramec Ingeniería de Cimentaciones

Foundations, Soil Mechanics and Civil Works

Foundation Engineering * Batteries * Piles * Sheet piles * Vibro-driving * Milan Wall * Inclusions * Micropiles * Soil...

Grupo Mako

Real Estate Fair

Construction, sale and rental of industrial and commercial warehouses and warehouses. We carry out detailed construction projects such as: *...
EXECUTIVE PROJECTS * Architectural / Structural / Perspectives and Virtual Tours SPECIALIZED STUDIES * Geotechnical / Hydrological / Environmental Impact...

HDZ Constructora - Servicios Profesionales

Slope stabilization, anchors, shotcrete

Professional services * Slope stabilization * Anchors (Passive and Active) * Drains (Surface and Deep) * Shotcrete (Dry and Wet)...
"Safety Management in Construction Projects" Services: * Pre-construction preliminaries * Monitoring of compliance with government requirements * Training and issuance...

Arcotech Constructora

Roofing, Metal Structures, Civil Works, Profiles

We roof up to 40m of span Crane Rental * Self-supporting Roofs * Metal Structures * Civil Works * Profiles...

Perfoterra Cimentaciones

Construcciones, Ingeniería, Obras Civiles

CONSTRUCTION > RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL * Preliminary / foundation. * Stabilization and lowering of water table. * Topography and aerial...
Wall or Protective Screens > Micropiles > Driving of metal sheet piles. Slope Stabilization > Wet Shotcrete > Drilling, Anchoring,...
Trumont Services: * Slope Stabilization and Containment * Anchoring systems * Concrete thrown dry and wet * Construction of micropiles...

Sauri Construcciones de Pavimentos e Infraestructura

Manufacture of post-tensioned girders

On-site fabrication of post-tensioned girders Manufacture of post-tensioned girders in the bridge structure Preparation of studies and bridge projects bridge...
Engineering, geotechnics, structures.Foundations, piers and piles, lowering of the water table, Berlin wall, Milan wall and piling board.Specialized construction, shotcrete,...
Building IDEAS and CREATING SPACES for Mexico Consulting, Management and Preconstruction - Consulting and investment projects - Construction business management...

Tejeda Ingenieros

Geotechnics and Construction

Anchoring Shotcrete Slope stabilization Retaining walls Foundations
We are a 100% Mexican company, made up of an interdisciplinary group with experience in the areas of architecture and...
DEMOLITIONS - EXCAVATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS We work throughout the Mexican Republic * Dismantling * Uprisings * Renovations * Design *...

Nuevo Diseño en Construcciones

The Solution to your Projects

Construction projects, buildings, industrial, commercial and residential.
Structural design Steel and Concrete Structures * Industrial ships * Commercial premises * Residential Structural Opinions Structural Consulting Hydraulic and...

PRO Dirección de Proyectos

Construction, Consulting and Projects - PRO

* Project and construction management * Specialists in vertical construction * Consulting * Project development * Administration of large-scale works

Grupo Integral PCC

Waterproofing Cold Systems

- WATERPROOFING cold systems - SBS prefabricated membrane - General masonry - Floors - Paintings - Finishes - Work Adjustments...
* Metallic structure * Roof * Booths * Mezzanines * Gutters * Botaguas * Blacksmith * Forge METECNO, STABILIT, TERNIUM

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