Building Materials, Products and Services

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Maly Aceros y Perfiles Estructurales

Nail, Wire, Electrowelded Mesh

Steel Specialists Nail Wire Welded Mesh
Preparation - Training - Consulting - Advice Construction Contests * Preparation of Tenders * Opus / Neodata Counseling and Courses...

Construcciones y Demoliciones Industriales Libra

Demolitions - Excavations - Earthworks

Industrial construction and demolitions Demolitions, excavations and earthworks Disassembly machine case 580L, 1999
Construction costs * Quantification of work * Preparation of catalogs of concepts * Analysis of unitary prices * Generator numbers...
Budgets and tenders for public and private works, preparation of catalogs of concepts and analysis of unit prices, quantifications and...
FOR SALE AT COST Super Opportunity! Fathom Stone and Gabions different measures
On-site Manufacture of Piles and Driving, Construction of Foundation Piles.

Iepsa Infraestructura, Edificaciones y Proyectos

Metal Formwork, Formwork for Walls, Formwork for Columns

Sale of Metal Formwork for Use: -Structuring for Columns -Metal shoring -Structuring for Walls
Company dedicated to the transformation of steel. * Pailería * Metallic structures * Sheet manufacturing * Plate * Cut and...
-Manifestation of Risk and Environmental Impact -Environment impact manifestation -Environmental Risk -Environmental Damage Expertise -Impact and Environmental Risk -NOM-020-STPS -Ultrasound...

Señalamientos y Protección Vial Jafi

Road Signs, Aligners, Buttons, Arrows

We are a company dedicated to the manufacture of: -Pvc aligners -Solar Archers -Signals Based on Led's

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