Building Materials, Products and Services

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PGO ManagementProfessional Services in Project ManagementHelping in the Development and Delivery of Successful ProjectsPGO has successfully delivered projects for clients...

FUNPIMET Fundición de Piezas Metálicas de Oriente

Lighting, Furniture, Urban and Residential Equipment

Lighting, Furniture and Urban and Residential Equipment We manufacture: * Buttresses and decorative posts * Decorative and urban lighting *...

Consorcio de Andamiaje Universal

Scaffolding, Shoring and Forms for columns CAUSA

THE BEST AT YOUR SERVICE.... CAUSE 25TH ANNIVERSARY! * Metal Molds for Columns (Square, Circular, Oblong, Rectangular) * High-strength and...

RNW Fluídos y Aceros

Industrial Connections

Your Ally in Steel Materials * INDUSTRIAL CONNECTIONS, Schedule 10 to 160 Carbon steel Stainless steel 304 and 316 *...
Building IDEAS and CREATING SPACES for Mexico Consulting, Management and Preconstruction - Consulting and investment projects - Construction business management...

Geomembranas y Tuberías

Geomembranes, Pipes and Fittings

* High density polyethylene PE-100 and 4710 pipes up to 48", 54", 63", 1800 mm, 2000 mm * Sanitary corrugated...
Equipment - Maintenance and Construction AUTOMATIC DOORS * Garage doors * Arms * Engines * Access control * Multi-frequency control...

Casetas Prefabricadas Jaiser del Bajío

Rental and Sale of Prefabricated Booths

Available for rent and sale! PREFABRICATED HOUSES Premium Line: Manufactured from a 2" Thermoacoustic panel. Economic Line: Manufactured from Pintro...

Ceji Comercializadora

Signage, Containers and More

Professionals at your service in signage, containers, safety equipment and more.
COOLING SYSTEMS for Industrial Processes by Recirculation of Chilled Water. We offer our clients in industrial and commercial environments Industrial...
CONTAINER SALE AND RENT Our containers are ideal for storing extra inventory or creating new work areas. Request your quote...


Hot Tubs

Luxury Designs, Lifetime Engineering HYDROMAX Hot Tubs & Spas. HARMONY & SELMA   HARMONY TUB: 173 x 103 x 61...
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY!COMPANY FOR SALE with EVERYTHING!! in the center of Monterrey, NLInventory, Furniture, Premises and Client Portfolio.Clients...
Project, Sale, Installation and Maintenance * Air-conditioning * Fire Systems * Central heating, radiant floor heating * Air washer *...
New functional step Description: Step or rung to climb roofs or attics, made with 7.6 mm and 9 mm diameter...
Innovation in Drainage Systems * Durable * Versatile * Compliance * System Flexibility * Efficient Installation * Hygienic Performance *...

Tejeda Ingenieros

Geotechnics and Construction

Anchoring Shotcrete Slope stabilization Retaining walls Foundations
LEAKS IN YOUR CISTERN? ELIMINATE THEM 100% with the TECMAIN FLEX PLUS ZERO LEAKS system. Unique with Elong technology, this...
Steel and Derivatives / Cuts and Bending / Hardware / Tools / Mesh and Grating Tubular profile, Pipe, PTR and...
ROAD SAFETY ARTICLES Equip in a Comprehensive and Safe Manner with the best... * Vertical and horizontal signage * Marking...

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