Building Materials, Products and Services

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Engineering, geotechnics, structures.Foundations, piers and piles, lowering of the water table, Berlin wall, Milan wall and piling board.Specialized construction, shotcrete,...

Tejeda Ingenieros

Geotechnics and Construction

Anchorage thrown concrete Slope stabilization Retaining walls Foundations
DEMOLITIONS - EXCAVATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS We work throughout the Mexican Republic * Dismantling * Uprisings * Renovations * Design *...
Geotechnics * Downhole * Cross Hole * Continuity Tests * Seismic Tomography Electrical Methods * Electrical Tomography * SEV Schlumberger...

Corporacion de Alta Tecnología CRR & VIV

Foundations, Constructions, Demolitions, Buildings, Tepetate

Services: * Urbanizations * Foundation * Building * Terraceries * Dismounts * Land leveling * Earthworks * Earth compaction *...
Soil mechanics. Exploration of Soundings on Land and Water. Studies for Bridges, Industrial Buildings, Buildings and/or any structure that your...

Cimentaciones Profundas Mexicanas - Cipromex

Foundations, Piles, Anchors, Drilling Equipment

* Piles, CFA System, Piles, Micropiles, Milan Wall, Berlin Wall. * Anchors and Shotcrete. * Slatted boards. * Inclusions, Maritime...
Soil Mechanics Structural Design Material Quality Control Lowering of the Water Table Pile and Pile Construction Anchors and Shotcrete Injections...
Slope stabilization, Anchors and shotcrete Quality and responsibility in engineering works
Soil Mechanics, Drilling and Laboratory Drilling for Soil Mechanics $600.00 per Meter Observation Wells Absorption Wells
On-site Manufacture of Piles and Driving, Construction of Foundation Piles.

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