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Construcción, Perforación y Estabilización de Taludes DB - Conpetsa

Slope Stabilization, Drilling, Gas Installations

SCOPES: * Slope Stabilization * Drilling and Induction * Soil consolidation: Injection by the sleeve method, contact, pre-injection of anchors...

Cimentaciones Profundas Mexicanas - Cipromex

Foundations, Piles, Anchors, Drilling Equipment

* Piles, CFA System, Piles, Micropiles, Milan Wall, Berlin Wall. * Anchors and Shotcrete. * Slatted boards. * Inclusions, Maritime...
Soil Mechanics Structural Design Material Quality Control Lowering of the Water Table Pile and Pile Construction Anchors and Shotcrete Injections...
Slope stabilization, Anchors and shotcrete Quality and responsibility in engineering works

JMC Soluciones Geotécnicas, S.A. de C.V.

Soil Mechanics, Civil Works Construction, Quality Control

SERVICES: Soil mechanics Slope Stability Retaining walls Mechanically stabilized walls with geogrid Industrial Floor Design Topography Work supervision QA: Concrete...

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